DreamExchange Inc. recognizes its social responsibility as a company and recognizes that compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information, as well as the protection and management of such information, are of utmost importance in the conduct of its business activities and strives to ensure the protection of personal information.
1. Basic principles regarding the collection, use, and provision of appropriate personal information
Personal information shall be collected and used only within the scope of achieving the business purpose with the prior consent of the information provider, and a thorough management system shall be applied to its handling. The Company will appoint a responsible person for the administration of personal information in each unit where it is handled and will practice and comply with the protection of personal information.
• When personal information is collected directly from customers, the purpose of the collection is clearly disclosed in advance.
• When using personal information, we will use and provide it only within the scope of the purpose clarified in advance.
2. Appropriate management of personal information
We will implement appropriate safety measures for the personal information provided to us and strive to take reasonable safety measures and corrective and preventive measures in terms of technology and organization against access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information. Personal information that is no longer required to be retained shall be promptly disposed of or deleted.
3. Compliance with laws, regulations, internal rules, etc.
In order to use personal information appropriately and to ensure its protection, we will periodically review and improve our personal information management system, while complying with guidelines for personal information protection.
4. Respect for individual rights
We respect the rights of individuals with regard to their personal information and will respond to requests for confirmation of a customer’s own personal information within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent, as long as the customer’s identity can be confirmed by us. If there is an error or change in the customer’s personal information, we will promptly correct or delete it within a reasonable period of time, based on the customer’s request, and only if we are able to confirm the customer’s identity.
Use of Access Analysis to Monitor Website Usage
This site uses services provided by Google Inc. and other third parties to monitor the use of the site. For this reason, we use cookies provided by third parties on some of our pages. These technologies are useful for us to understand the usage of our services and contribute to the improvement of our services. If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so by changing the settings on your browser. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use some of the functions of the Service. Cookies are a mechanism to store in the visitor’s computer as a file the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server when the visitor uses the website. If you allow cookies to be sent and received in your browser settings, the website can retrieve cookies from your browser. To protect your privacy, your browser will only send cookies that are sent and received by the server of that website.
December 26, 2011 Updated
January 6, 2014 Updated
January 30, 2014 Updated
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our services.